Cremation Sickness, then again, comes with something rather introspective, almost ‘modest’, even though the drum patterns keep on roaring. This piece has a prominent epic attitude, translated via several guitar leads or the martial percussion-work during the slower intermezzo half of the track. Mass extinction as salvation, it might be the one and only cure… At least I do love the sounds of it…Īstral Projection sort of continues that untrodden part, even though it comes with an atmosphere much more brutal and uncompromising. Yet soon the powerful energy reappears, pushing and hammering, with a blasting eruption towards the end. Pay attention to the fine bass lines and martial percussion, my dear. A slow passage, even though quite short, overwhelms, covering the whole into a gloomy passage. Suddenly, everything falls back into an abyssal doom.

And when some hypnotic leads join at about half of the track, a magnificence of glorious and victorious pride overrules all other emotions. The whole has a morbid, ominous sound, yet somehow there is a subtle touch of epic elegance as well.

#Nigrum ignis circuli full
Because of the full and massive sound, this effort works almost suffocative, leaving no room to breathe safely. An overpowering whirlwind of thunderous drums, energetic riffs, malignant growls and bleak riffs reconstruct normality, turning it into malicious chapters of hatred and disgust. However, after about five minutes, Abduction move over to a morbid, militant and intolerant angle within the sonic spectra of mankind. It starts with Mass Extinction Salvation, which opens with a dark keyboard introduction, strongly inspired by obscure Dark Ambient / Drone Music. Intercontinental Death Conspiracies starts off with four hymns by Abduction, the most productive solo-outfit of Phil ‘ A | V’ Illsley. Right now I am ay too lazy to repeat all that stuff, haha… Funeral Fullmoon, Death Vomit, Vampirska, Wampyric Rites or Folteraar.įYI: in case of interest in both acts’ history / biography / discography, I’d like to refer to one of the reviews I wrote before. It comes with great artwork, somewhat Mesopotamian or Sumerian, created by Osman ‘Ainul Iblis’ Ramadanovi č, known from bands or projects like Cave Ritual or Nigrum Ignis Circuli, and who did some visual artwork for the likes of e.g. one on clear vinyl and one on regular black, including an A2-sized poster and protected by a plastic outer-sleeve. That collaboration is aptly called Intercontinental Death Conspiracies, and gets released on vinyl. Now both of them have joined forces, once again under the banner of Inferna Profundus Records, a very fine Black Metal oriented label from Lithuanian soil. The other act involved is Nocturnal Prayer from Canada, and their 2020 full length compilation Advance On Weakened Foes also showed a mighty and majestic project not to ignore (also reviewed by undersigned – see below). There was last year’s Cyclopean Thunderbolt by UK-based Abduction (clearly written in solitude and isolation), yet especially their masterpiece All Pain As Penance from 2019 (link for my review: see below) is something I can’t get enough of.

Intercontinental Death Conspiracies is a split in between two bands that did release some remarkably marvellous stuff recently. With some delay, but this split is way too interesting not to pay attention to…